Restoring my purchase - why it may or may not work correctly... Follow
Sometimes it seems like we need to try and "Restore our Purchase" when PRO vanishes from our account.
Sometimes this button works! If you are already signed into the PRO account, that button will often resolve the connection and all is well! A clue you are in the PRO account is that you see the word "PRO" on your profile icon.
Sometimes that button doesn't work and it's frustrating. Most of the time, the reason it won't work is that you have more than one account with us (for example, a free account and a PRO account) and you are not signed into the PRO account, so restoring a purchase won't work since you purchased PRO under a different email address. If you are signed into a FREE account, you will not see the word "PRO" by your profile icon.
Majority of the time, it's due to a sign in method like Apple, Google or Facebook. Many users initially use those sign in methods since they are easy to use, but forget to use them to sign back in later. Simply using the "email" associated with those sign ins won't work, you will have to use the "Continue With" buttons on the sign in screen to log back in the same way you signed up originally.
If you are logged into a non PRO account, in error (you will see PRO next to your profile icon if you are signed in correctly), you can SIGN OUT and try again. To sign out, go to PROFILE>ACCOUNT and then SIGN OUT.
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