Why did my review or photo get removed or deleted? Follow
We love content of all kinds, but sometimes something you might have thought was important disappears. The Dyrt is by campers, for campers, so all campers can review details and report inaccuracies.
If you find a photo, review or video is missing, it may have been flagged by someone and removed by our staff. Sometimes the content was simply not related to the campground or experience (like a photo of a mushroom or a mistaken upload of a car), sometimes it was misplaced on the wrong listing (meant for one campground and posted on another and we can't find the proper place to put it), and sometimes it's inappropriate in nature. We only remove content that violates our Terms of Service found HERE
We keep records of content removed and the reasons why, so if your content is missing, please reach out and we'll take a look and see what happened.
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